
The Seven Common Causes of Car Accidents

The number of car accident victims is constantly on the rise. Even if environmental influences are still a role to be taken into account, human mistake may account for the majority of these cases.

Driving carelessly and recklessly endangers not only your life but also the lives of other drivers and pedestrians. Road accidents are unavoidable when there are careless drivers on the road, whether you obey the traffic regulations or not.

Accidents can originate from either human mistake or environmental factors, and in this post, we’ll examine the typical causes of accidents under these two categories.


Human Factors

Listed below are the common causes of accidents that originate from human errors.

1.   Excessive Speed

This factor is popularly known as over speeding. People desire to reach their destinations as quickly as possible in today’s fast-paced world. This happens frequently when there is no traffic on the roadways, or when individuals are running late.

Excessive speed is the main factor in collisions, especially on highways, and it occurs mostly when cars attempt to overtake one another.

2.   Driving while drunk

Another chief cause of accidents is drunk driving. After a hard day, the majority of individuals are focused on having fun.

What better way to finish the night than by drinking and socializing with friends?

Avoid attempting to drive yourself home if you know you are intoxicated. Driving after drinking isn’t just irresponsible, but detrimental to your safety.

3.   Distraction While Driving

A cautious approach to driving would be to do away with any source of distraction because you’ve got to stay focused while driving.


The two most common forms of driving distractions are without a doubt talking on the phone and texting. Even if you’re adept at multitasking, you shouldn’t do any of these two while driving because it’s risky and has resulted in several fatalities.

4.   Poor Lighting on Roads

Particularly at night when it is naturally dark outside, there are more car accidents. This is why nighttime street lighting is crucial for both roads and highways. Even with street lights and headlights present, visibility has an impact on how you drive.


This is why it is strongly advised that those who drive at night be conscious of their surroundings.

5.   Violating Traffic Laws

Without a doubt, trying to beat the red light has contributed to a number of collisions on the road because of the impatience of drivers.


In addition to the collisions that could emanate from beating the stoplight, doing so is against the law and gets you into problems with the authorities.

Stoplights are built to handle a variety of traffic situations. In this manner, the traffic flow is controllable and there’s a less chance of congestion.


Environmental Factors

Even the most careful and defensive drivers can be involved in vehicle accidents occasionally, although not due to their own fault.

Below are other elements that may have a significant role in causing accidents.

1.   Vehicle Flaws

Cars are made up of countless pieces that keep them operating smoothly and safely. With that many components, though, it isn’t unusual for a malfunction to happen while driving.

2.    Weather Condition

Roads that are slick due to rain, snow, or ice reduce tyre traction, which leads to cars swerving off the road or colliding with other objects or moving traffic. Weather-related accidents may also be influenced by fog, water levels, and wind speed.

3.   Nature of the Roads

Roadways that aren’t well-maintained make it more likely that a tyre will blow out and make it harder for drivers to brake effectively.


Final Thoughts

Lack of safety knowledge is one of the dangers connected to health and safety. Because of this, forward-thinking businesses take safety training seriously.

Even if it can seem that the safety authorities themselves don’t pay much consideration to automobile accidents, it’s still crucial to drive carefully since your safety and the safety of others depend on it.

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